Adam & Eve, Myth or History? Does it Even Matter?

Many of you know that I got fired up about blogging again when I started reading blogs I enjoyed, and decided I wanted to throw my towel into the ring as well.  As weeks have passed since I announced the birth of my little corner of the world wide web, I've come to a realization - the kind of blogs I enjoy take a lot of work to publish.  I appreciate mom blogs with pictures of the family, and I enjoy frugal blogs with tips and recipes that save me a buck.  I check those, I just don't want to specialize in one! :)  Lately, my passion has gone in the direction of theology, and my problem with blogging about that is the following: If I mess up a recipe, or suggest that something will save you cash and it doesn't, no big deal.  You'd forgive me, right?

In addition, when I share a cool story about ministry in Senegal, or an episode from a former chapter in my life, I usually don't have to check my facts with anyone.  I know my own life pretty well, and remember details fairly accurately. After all, I'm a consummate story teller, and have been recycling my material with different audiences for years! :D  When I make a declaration about a controversial topic in the Bible, however, I have a responsibility to get my facts straight, down to the finest detail.  If I err when it comes to the truth of God's Word, I'll be held responsible by the Lord Himself.  I don't take that lightly.

So, rather than reinvent the wheel, I thought that, with my limited time, I'd be better off sharing topics for consideration and blogs worth reading up on in regard to them. What I will do is share a synopsis of the problem, and refer you to far greater minds than mine who have already discussed it online.

Today, the subject that has been rattling around in my mind and causing me serious concerns is creationism. Now, if you come from a similar church tradition from me, you may be surprised to find out how few within the evangelical community continue to hold to a literal seven day creationism, otherwise known as young earth creationism.  Whether they embrace theistic evolution or progressive creationism, many of the scholars and pastors I've known and respected most of my Christian life are coming out publicly with a view that, at its root, undermines the reliability and veracity of Scripture.

The problem with such a view is grave.  If the creation account isn't to be understood literally, is the Flood?  Is Babel?  Where does myth end and history begin?  Jesus' genealogy in Luke 3 is traced back to Adam.  What part of it is true?   Was the Apostle Paul wrong to believe in Adam, because he certainly appeared to? (Rom. 5:14, 1 Cor. 15:22, 1 Tim. 2:13).  And worst of all, if you deny the existence of a historical Adam and Eve, you deny the reality of the Fall.  And if you deny the Fall, what is the point of the Cross, because we're not lost to begin with?  And if that's the case, I might as well have a big garage sale, pack up my family, go back to North America, have some deep dish pizza, and call it a day.

If you'd like to read more on this subject, or listen to some excellent sermons, I'd refer you to the following websites:

Dr. Albert Mohler (President of Southern Theological Seminary) - This links you to one of the many articles in which Dr. Mohler discusses what's at stake in the debate.  Links to his other articles are provided in this article.

Dr. John MacArthur - This link takes you to a series of sermons my former pastor preached on Genesis entitled, "The Battle for the Beginning."

Pastor Tim Challies - This link takes you to the blog of a Canadian blogger and author whose writing I've begun to follow.  He has excellent discussions and resources for further study.  Here, Pastor Challies reviews a book entitled, "Should Christians Embrace Evolution?"  I haven't read it, but you're welcome to buy it and mail it to me if you'd like! :)

These three are a good start.  From there, you should be able to find enough material to fuel your interest for a while.  I'd love to hear from you, so shoot me a line if you have any thoughts!


  1. Interesting! Apes are not man's ancestors!!

  2. Angie, I still believe in a young earth model. I still believe in an actual Adam and Eve. There are numerous reasons for this but I want you to know that you are not alone in this belief. The world will deride us but I don't mind or worry about them.

    God bless!

    Doug Croucher


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