His Grace is Enough
Written by Melissa Krueger and Illustrated by Isobel Lundie

This article was first published in French at TPSG.

My daughter and I thoroughly enjoyed this story designed for children ages 3-7 by Melissa Krueger, vice president of discipleship programming at The Gospel Coalition. Its title summarizes its message succinctly – God’s grace truly is enough! To the invisible little Pharisee living inside every single one of us, young and old, this is a refreshing, life-giving message that will strengthen the faith of all who read it. 

To offer you a child’s perspective, here are some thoughts on the book from Evangeline, my 10 year-old daughter:

How would you summarize the story in your own words?

When you do something wrong, God always knows and sometimes your parents do. You shouldn’t run away. You should tell them and say sorry, and hopefully, that will help. You shouldn’t try to get good grades to try to cover everything up. Your parents will teach you about the Lord and help you get far away from sin. Even though you disobey your parents, which means you disobey God, God still forgives you. 

What did you like most about the story?

  1. That it repeats one phrase several times: Wherever you go, whatever you do, repeat again and again, God’s grace is enough. It’s so big and so free.

  2. That even if we disobey our parents, we’re still able to say sorry and turn back from our sins. It’s encouraging for kids to know that because we usually sin.

What one lesson does this story teach you?

That even though we sin a lot, we are forgiven through Jesus. 

Would you recommend this book to others?

Yes, I would recommend it to kids to know that their parents and God are able to forgive them if they sin.

You can find it here.
