Here Goes Nothing!

I love writing, and have often thought it'd be fun to publish a book.  Then, of course, I remind myself that I can't expect to be good enough to see my name in print if the only time I ever write anything more than a status update on Facebook is when I put together our quarterly newsletters.  So, here's my attempt to get back into the habit of writing.

Dan and I have been wrestling with some heavy theological issues lately.  It's brought me back to my theological roots and given me a hunger to read good books and follow good bloggers.  For the past few years, I've spent more time on cooking and language learning sites than I care to admit.  There's nothing wrong with those things.  I need to prepare meals for my family and I need to learn Wolof to serve the Lord in Senegal.  But my appetite for the Word is not fed on  I don't learn to treasure Jesus more following Benny the Irish Polyglot.  (Obviously, I endorse both of these sites for the purpose they set out to do).  So, I'd like to spend more of my free moments throughout the day digging deeper into the Scriptures and following faithful expositors and thinkers who will help me cultivate a greater passion for Jesus and the lost.  And, in the process, I pray, by the grace of God, to be able to do that for whatever small readership I may have.  I hope you'll join me!


  1. That's awesome, Ange. Even though we haven't been roommies for the past couple of years, I feel like we're kind of on similar wavelengths. What theology is for you, the arts (thinking and writing in particular) is for me. I feel like I've neglected that part of my self in the last couple of years as well. Hopefully I'll be able to spend more time reading, thinking and writing as well.


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