Mission Accomplished: National Novel Writing Month

I did it!  A month ago, on a whim, I signed up for the challenge of writing a novel in one month, a.k.a. National Novel Writing Month.  I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but I enjoy a challenge, so I dove in head first.

All of a sudden, Isabella's nap times, my daily break and chance to get things done around the house, were absorbed with nonstop writing.  Every afternoon from 2:00-4:00 PM, I'd sit in bed, netbook in hand, chronicling 37 years of stories that together have made up my gypsy wanderings.  Although not all of my life has been on the road, I focused on my travels and the lessons I learned visiting or living in 37 different countries - one for every year of my life so far, interestingly enough!

I'm technically done, in that I've completed the required 50,000 words and uploaded my work to the official nanowrimo website.  The novel is still quite rough, as they encourage quantity over quality.  Plus, I have some holes to fill in to finish my story.  For now, however, I need a break.  The month of December promises to be a busy one, as I'll be teaching in Wolof in the women's prison several times, so I have lots of lesson prep to work on now.  Plus, I have lots of projects that have been on the back burner for the past month that I'm anxious to get back to.  I also hope to update my blog more regularly, so for the nine or so of you who read this, thanks for sticking with me, and I hope to be in touch soon! :)


  1. Is there a link where we can go read your novel?

  2. Hey John! Thanks for asking! Like I said, it's very rough right now. It will need at least another month of work before I'm ready to put it out there. I haven't even written the chapter of our lives at G&T and our foursome of fun times the summer after. That must be recorded for posterity's sake as well! :) I'll let you know, friend!


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