Guess Whose Got a Bun in the Oven

Undergoing two miscarriages has a way of stifling a couple's excitement upon finding out that they're expecting again.  Why broadcast to the world that you're pregnant, just to have to take it all back if you lose the baby?  The loss is heartbreaking enough without having to trace your steps and give everyone the bad news.

Why am I writing you now, o anonymous reader?  Because the thought occurred to me: When do I most need your prayers?  During the first trimester when I'm most at risk for complications, or later on once I'm showing and "out of the woods."  I say now, friend!  I'm willing to take the chance of having to get the word out if something goes wrong later, if it means that you'll join us in prayer that nothing does go wrong today.  Plus, I am feeling pretty miserable with all-day sickness ("morning" sickness really is a misnomer!) and could use a little sympathy! :)

Here's the skinny so far: I'm almost 6 weeks along, my due date is December 22, and we're looking to have the baby in N. America.  I had an ultrasound last night, and we got to see the little one (whose the size of a sweet pea) and hear the heart beat.  Wow.  It brought tears to my eyes.

We live in a culture where a woman can look like she swallowed a basketball, and still you wouldn't make small talk about her pregnancy.  It's a major taboo, since the average Senegalese doesn't want to alert the evil spirits unnecessarily to the presence of a vulnerable baby.  That's why, even if we can share our news with you, we're not free to tell our local friends.  Isabella, however, doesn't quite understand that.  A friend from church came over tonight, and Isabella told him, "Mama went to the hospital.  There's a baby inside her!"  Fortunately, this is a brother in Christ, who doesn't live in fear of evil spirits, so we all had a good laugh at Isabella's inability to keep a secret. :)

So, here's my selfish request: Would you pray for us as we come to mind over the next couple months?  Over the next three weeks, we have to pack up our entire home as well as our bags for our trip to N. America, when all I want to do is lie in bed.  Once we arrive in the US on May 16, we'll attend a conference at our mission Crossworld's home office in Kansas City, then hit the ground running in California to raise $1,800/month we're short in support.  All while adapting back to a culture now somewhat foreign to us and taking care of our big sweet pea, Isabella, and our little sweet pea inside mama.  The challenge is great, but our God is greater.  Can we count on your prayers?

(We've already been asked about how to support our ministry.  Here's a link to the giving page on our mission's website.  Our account number is 35512, and our greatest need is committed monthly supporters, but we appreciate gifts of any kind.)


  1. Congrats Angie! We're so happy for you guys. Prayers coming your way for you and your *sweet* peas. (I imagine it's hot there and all, but I don't think they're *sweat* peas ;-) Lots of love!

    1. Drats! I always get those mixed up! Duly noted! :) Thanks for your prayers and love, Pamela!

  2. I will definitely be praying for you all! I also had two miscarriages (most likely three) before Lucas came along. M said the same thing you did, that the first trimester is when we truly needed prayer. We shared the news with a prayer circle. I also changed my diet and overall health considerably with that pregnancy, and I believe it helped. Hopefully we'll be able to see you when you're back in the States!

    1. Thanks, Amy! We appreciate you passing our big request on. We look forward to seeing you this summer!

  3. Congratulations Angie (with a warm hug)! We will be praying for you, as you prepare to go to the US, then eventually leave and as you raise support. God will give you enough :). Good health for you and sweet pea, protection and comfortable journey, very pleasant stay there and lastly financial resources.

  4. Angie! Thank you for your vaulnerability and great faith in the Lord! Josh and I will pray often for you, the family and the lil' one. May the Lord place his healing and gracious hand on you. We too will be praying as you head back to raise support. If you head to Central Illinois, let us know and we'll hook you up with some people and churches. We love you and are so proud of you!

    1. Thanks, Laura! How kind of you to offer! I'll let you know if we make it down that far. How long of a drive are you from Chicago?

  5. beyond thrilled! rejoicing for you and dan and thanking Jesus for another precious addition to your family. love and prayers during this huge time of transition and decision-making... and i TOTALLY hear you on just wanting to lay in bed (and puke and cry while simultaneously eating... pregnancy is the only time this is all considered normal!). keep updates coming, as your able, during your whirlwind tour of america.

    1. Thanks, Sarah! No puking here. Just lots of drooling and gagging, but nothing comes up. TMI? Maybe so, but that's what girlfriends are for, right? :) Will keep you updated, whenever the grandparents free me up for a little computer time. :)

  6. Stopping to pray for you and this little one right now! Although it may seem completely unrelated, I feel that the pain and suffering linked to my recent appendicitis followed by an appendectomy has helped me relate in some minute way to the pain and suffering of mothers who have just given birth! May the joyful pain of childbirth be yours once again as the Lord brings this baby to full term . . . and beyond!!

    1. Hey Nick! I recently got caught up on my emails and read about your bout with appendicitis. Crazy! And to be so far from home, even if Chicago was once home, must've been tough. While your pain must've been horrible, the worst part is that you don't even have the reward of a little cutie at the end of the ordeal. As I type, I'm thinking I emailed you this thought already. :) Anyways, thanks for your prayers, brother. It's a joy to hear from you and read about your ministry with FEU in France. Blessings and hugs to your beautiful family.


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