Evangeline's Turning One Month!

What a month it has been!  Although Evangeline was born a healthy 7 lbs. 14 oz., her doctor quickly determined that she wasn't gaining weight adequately, and recommended a strict regiment of feeding her every 2.5-3 hours around the clock.  Because my milk supply wasn't sufficient, we invested in an electric double breast pump, as well as baby formula.  Initially, the cycle consisted of nursing, pumping, feeding her pumped milk, supplementing with formula, changing diaper, washing pump parts and bottles with one arm while rocking her to sleep with the other, hopefully getting Evangeline down, trying to get some rest, repeating.

Despite all of my efforts, our little one failed to gain enough weight to free me from this strict routine.  I must confess it was pretty discouraging.  However, by supplementing with fenugreek, blessed thistle, and a prescription medication, my milk supply increased so that I eventually was able to eliminate the pumping and the formula, and began nursing exclussively.  Despite the continued demands of round the clock feeding, I was overjoyed to move away from the bottles and rely on the most natural, nurturing method possible. 

We appreciate everyone who has thought of and prayed for us.  Yesterday, Evangeline had her one month check-up, and we got great news from her physician.  She's right on track with her weight gain, and I'm off the hook.  I no longer have to wake her every three hours to feed at night, but rather can let her sleep and feed on demand.  Last night, she slept for me from midnight to just past 4 AM.  Considering what a good sleeper she seems to be, I think some good rest is in my near future.  Praise the Lord!
