Why You Should Read “Is Christmas Unbelievable?” by Rebecca McLaughlin

This article was first published in French at TPSG.

Christmas is often a time of spiritual openness in the West. In our highly secularized cultures, December may be the only month during which we find a bit more freedom to speak of Jesus’ birth. Perhaps you have been considering how to reach out to your loved ones with the reason for the hope within you this holiday season. To help you provide answers to their questions, I commend to you Rebecca McLaughlin’s book “Is Christmas Unbelievable?”


regular contributor at The Gospel Coalition, Rebecca McLaughlin is a respected apologist who holds a PhD from Cambridge University and a theology degree from Oak Hill College in London. She is also the author of the award-winning book “Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World's Largest Religion.” 


In “Is Christmas Unbelievable?” Dr. McLaughlin provides convincing evidence that the story of Christmas is fact, not fiction. She does so by addressing four commonly asked questions:


1. Was Jesus Even a Real Person?

2. Weren't the Gospels Made up Later?

3. How Can You Believe in a Virgin Birth?

4. Aren't We All Just Stories in the End?


Employing illustrations from popular culture, she leads the reader through a journey from 1st century Palestine to the present, building a bridge from the ancient text to the modern day. At only 64 pages of length, this short book can be read alone in one sitting or fuel a conversation with a friend from now until December 25. You can order a case of fifty to distribute in your community (as we did at our church) or pick up a copy at your local Christian bookstore to share with a neighbour or friend. May the Lord grant us boldness and open doors this December to shine the glorious light of this gospel into this dark world.


