7 Tips for Encouraging our Pastors During Pastor Appreciation Month

This article was published in English at TGC Canada. It was also published in French at TPSG

Every October, believers across North America celebrate Pastor Appreciation Month, setting aside a moment to express gratitude for those who watch over our souls. The pastorate may have once been considered a noble profession. Today, however, these dear brothers often labour under difficult circumstances. They bear not only the burden of caring for their flocks but also the suspicion of a culture that considers their work strange at best and pointless at worst.

What can we as disciples of Jesus do to encourage our pastors in a special way this month? I propose a few things.

1. Pray

If you aren’t doing so regularly, commit to praying for your spiritual overseers and their families. What’s more, ask them for specific ways in which you can lift them up before the Lord.

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